
Word of faith magazine
Word of faith magazine

The 1979 Iranian Revolution and the subsequent establishment of an Islamic Republic brought the deepest theological questions into the public sphere. They participate fully in the debates about Islam. “The women that I interviewed became more reflective about religion, they wanted to learn for themselves and discover for themselves as part of a larger conversation,” Haeri says.

word of faith magazine

Haeri interviewed women who were born in the 1940s and who influenced Iranian society by being the first generation to finish college and go on to become professionals and achieve economic independence. After a relative returned from her evening prayers and said that they “had gone well,” Haeri began to wonder, “Could ritual prayers go well or badly? How does one assess how a prayer turns out? Isn’t a ritual just a ritual?” The idea for the book began, as so many do, with curiosity. In my book I try to show how much more complex the answer is.” “Most people assume that the answer is to be found within the various doctrines of any given religion. “I think there’s a broad misunderstanding about what it is that attracts people to religion,” says Haeri. Say What Your Longing Heart Desires outlines lived ritual experiences, where readers witness women’s explorations of the kind of Muslims they strive to be. She is strong in faith and in the Holy Spirit.In her latest work, Say What Your Longing Heart Desires: Women, Prayer & Poetry in Iran, Niloofar Haeri, professor of anthropology and chair of the Krieger School’s Program in Islamic Studies, provides a rich examination of contemporary religious beliefs and prayer practices among a group of educated, middle-class Muslim women in Iran. She desires to see the manifestation of the glory of God, drawing the lost to salvation and the believers into the presence of God. She is a worship leader, singer, prayer and also sings with the local jazz band.

word of faith magazine

He has served in local churches and ministries as administrator, teacher, children’s church teacher, choir member and usher.ĭawn is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center in 1985, and worked for Rhema in admissions for three and one-half years. Jon is a graduate of the late School of the Local Church in 1986, a ministry of Grace Fellowship Church in Tulsa, OK, and was ordained by Bob Yandian in 1993. His desire is to see the lost saved by the power of God and the church to grow and demonstrate the glory of God in the world. The Spirit of God is on the move and is stirring up the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit including signs, wonders and miracles. The Word of Faith is life changing as the promises of God are activated in our life by believing. Jon’s heart is to see the body of Christ prosper in the will of God through the Word of God and the Spirit of God together. We are dedicated to preaching the life-changing, uncompromised Word of God through church services, discipleship, worship, radio ministry, live streaming and any other means available so that those who hear and believe may experience the neverending love of God.

word of faith magazine

We are a Holy Spirit-filled, Bible-believing, faith church, born in 2011 out of a desire for a church that combines the preaching of the Bible and the manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, in our church services and in the daily lives of believers.

Word of faith magazine